OC Political

A right-of-center blog covering local, statewide, and national politics

Mark Bucher Vs. Keith Curry: Debate on OCGOP/Lincoln Club Union Pledge

Posted by Former Blogger Chris Emami on April 17, 2013

My apologies for not including any text on this until now, it was a busy morning/afternoon. This morning I had the great pleasure of moderating a debate between OC GOP Treasurer Mark Bucher & Newport Beach Councilmember Keith Curry. The topic of the debate was the pros/cons of the union pledge that is currently required by any candidate that applies for endorsement with the OC GOP/Lincoln Club of Orange County. No matter which side of the issue that you are on, this debate was extremely thought-provoking as both speakers did an absolutely excellent job articulating their stance on the issue.

This debate was an experiment of sorts, as it is not the traditional audio interview that we post when a typical audio post goes up. Based on the great e-mails, text messages, and phone calls that I received today from readers that have my contact info, we will try to host at least one debate every month on something that is relevant to Orange County politics.

12 Responses to “Mark Bucher Vs. Keith Curry: Debate on OCGOP/Lincoln Club Union Pledge”

  1. Terrific interviews! It articulated precisely what’s wrong with my Republican party here in Orange County. Curry is right on the money. His phrases – “Stupid politics”, “Politics of exclusion”, “Holier than thou” and the “religious tone of the ban” nailed it. Bucher and his pals, like Jim Righeimer, can continue chant their mantra as they, like so many lemmings, march right over the cliff into irrelevance. Great job, Chris… looking forward to more of these in the future.

    • Jack Tachspeyr said

      Good try, “Pot Stirrer.”
      So now the people who are still willing to tell the truth, that unions have taken over our state and local government and are bankrupting and ruining the system are “lemmings marching over the cliff into irrelevance.” Let’s hope not. Why not reserve some of your indignation for the cowards and puppets who take the money and look the other way, while California itself slides into the abyss? Get real.

      • Jack, you’re convinced that the tactics presently in play by the Republican Party, both locally and statewide, is effective? Really? Describe for me the recent successes.. ? We are just a bunch of inflexible white guys who zipped the tent door behind us. Where’s the outreach to the largest and fastest growing demographic – the Latinos among us? Our stubborn inflexibility has taken us to a position of irrelevance – not enough numbers to even force a discussion on most important issues. You’re happy with this? Geez! Bucher points to his pal, Righeimer, as the way to go, yet he has done nothing but divide Costa Mesa. Some of his ideas may be OK, but his tactics stink. His attempt to quick-pitch his charter scheme resulted in a disastrous loss – 2-1 – last November. His flawed attempt to dump employees in favor of outsourcing has failed miserably and cost Costa Mesa more than $1 million in legal fees and counting. Our local elected Assemblyman, Allan Mansoor, has ZERO influence in Sacramento… so much for representation. And on, and on, and on. We’d better wake up pretty darn soon or the Republican Party will consist of the Lincoln club and a half-dozen other old guys scattered around the state.

  2. Dan Chmielewski said

    Republicans do not own the copyright on the expression “principled” BTW

  3. Dan, did you keep a straight face when you heard Bucher utter that phrase when referring to Righeimer? Too funny!

    • Geoff,

      Obviously you are not a fan of Mark Bucher but I assure you that he is a really good guy. I can honestly say that if not for Mark Bucher I would not have any involvement in Republican Party politics (be that a good thing or bad thing).

      • Chris, I don’t know if Bucher is a “good guy” or not. I just don’t agree with his tactics on important issues – a failing he shares with his ex-brother-in-law. Then, again, I didn’t much like it when he threatened to sue me on behalf of Righeimer and Mensinger (separately) to quash criticism of them. You’re a smart young guy – The Party needs many more of you – so if he was the motivation for you to become actively involved, that’s a GOOD thing. Again, great job with the audio debate. I linked to it on my blog and have gotten many positive comments about it.

  4. newport beach said

    Keith shredded Bucher.

  5. OCInsider#33 said

    The problem with Mr Bucher’s stand is that this policy has not worked and it’s applied unfairly across the board. Not taking a direct cash contribution doesn’t mean you are going to stand stronger against unions just as taking one doesn’t mean you won’t stand strong. Look at the actual voting record of those they have supported. Historically, most of the endorsement committee are party insiders with no background in public policy (even if they are elected officials). They support their friends, even if they are union friendly, and find reasons to attack their enemies, even they are good local leaders. I believe Mr Bucher’s motive’s are pure. They just don’t translate well in the real world of local politics and are insulting to strong candidates who can actually get themselves elected, represent their constituents well, and make solid conservative votes that don’t give the house away to public employee unions.

  6. Robin Leffler said

    What a refreshing debate! Thank you Chris Emami.

    One reason I backed away from supporting the OC central committee is the misrepresentation Bucher, Righeimer and others use even when they know facts contradict the mantra they want to beat into people’s heads. To me “principled” would be first of all truthful. Locally in Costa Mesa, that little city Scott Baugh declared would be “ground zero” for their misbegotten political experiments; public employees are NOT required to contribute any amount to political activities. They can opt out and direct that money toward their choice of charities. Furthermore Costa Mesa employees are NOT required join an Employee Association, and Employee associations are not technically Unions although they are bargaining units. The local leadership misrepresents them as Unions but they don’t have the same powers, for example they cannot perform “Job actions” such as strikes. The larger issues remain, and sane ways of addressing those problems must be found (Newport and many other cities have faced the same challenges more effectively and with a whole lot less drama.) But if someone is distorting the “small” things, how can we trust them with the bigger picture?

    Lastly, I am saddened that several people I know have left the GOP because of the weirdness locally, instead of working to restore the sanity needed to unify and re-establish the “Grand Old Party”.

  7. […] Mark Bucher, then Treasurer and current Executive Committee member of the Club, that can be found here.That said, Curry signed the pledge.  Curry got the endorsement, and used the […]

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