OC Political

A right-of-center blog covering local, statewide, and national politics

Harkey Has A Familiar Opponent

Posted by Former Blogger Chris Emami on February 22, 2012

Every once in a while you see a name pop up in the filing log that is a familiar one despite the fact that you can’t quite put your finger on it. In the case of the race for 73rd Assembly District the name James Corbett popped up as the only potential opponent for Assemblywoman Harkey, and I just knew that I had heard the name before.

Member Diane L. Harkey

It turns put after running a bit of googling that unless we have a unique coincidence on our hands, this is the same James Corbett that was a teacher at Capo Valley High School. The reason why I remembered the name is because he was the teacher that was sued by former student Chad Farnan for what was called “Disparaging Christianity.” I was not in the class so I find it unfair to comment specifically on what was said but according to the Orange County Register Corbett referred to creationism as “religious, superstitious nonsense.”

The initial ruling in the case after a 16 month grueling legal battle was that Corbett had violated the first amendment by disparaging students. I truly question why Corbett chose to single out Christianity versus the number of other religions that exist.

After the initial ruling the decision was overturned on appeal and was actually refused to be heard by the Supreme Court according to the OC Register.

If you look at the district and the way it is drawn this is a conservative crowd that is being represented. Diane Harkey has represented them well over the past 4 years and Corbett is just not the right representative for the 73rd District.

4 Responses to “Harkey Has A Familiar Opponent”

  1. Dan Chmielewski said

    “I truly question why Corbett chose to single out Christianity versus the number of other religions that exist.”
    Chris — it was an honors European history class and the lesson had to do with the influence of the Church at the time.

    • Greg said

      If you have read any of his letters to the editor in the Register since the lawsuit, it is obvious that he has a bias against Christians (and that is putting it mildly). Cloaking his disdain for Christianity under the guise of “he’s just doing his job” is even worse, in my opinion.

  2. Aidan said

    Dr. Corbett was my AP Euro teacher my sophomore year of high school. He, to this day, remains my favorite teacher. Not only did he not once disparage his students, christian or otherwise, in any manner, he merely challenged us to challenge our old preconceptions. This case happened my senior year and nothing could have upset the student body more. We loved Corbett for all that he did for us and challenged us to do for ourselves. He was an amazing teacher. And hes got my vote.

  3. MikeB said

    I also was in Dr. Corbett’s AP European history class. He was one of the best teachers I have ever had. He always stressed the importance of making your own opinion based off of informed facts. His largely sentiment towards Christians can only stem from the overwhelmingly Christian families that reside in the area. Most are staunch conservative families that try to find frivolous reasons to silence independent thought and speech. Growing up in that area has taught me that there are people in this world that will try to push their religious values onto you, and try at all costs to squash the civil rights of anyone that is not rich and republican. Voting for Corbett is a vote for freedom of speech and having a informed and person in office.

    P.s. the letters in the OC register are obviously biased. It’s a Republican and Conservative based newspaper. Not a place where freedom of speech and separation of church and state will be fairly represented.

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