OC Political

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AD-55 Watch: Ling-Ling Chang Quacks 2.0: Jobs Plan Falls Short

Posted by Allen Wilson on April 21, 2014


Recently, Ling-Ling Chang sent out a mail piece to voters in the Orange County portion of the 55th Assembly District.

The mail piece touts her “5 Point Plan to Create New Jobs”, which needs thorough plucking and inspection:

ProposalReform the tax code to focus on job creation.

Reality Unfortunately, Chang was MIA as newly elected Walnut-Valley Water Board Director during the 2006 Diamond Bar’s Measure L ($34 Million Parcel Tax) that would have levied huge tax on residential, industrial and commercial property owners in perpetuity tied with COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). 

ProposalReduce regulatory burdens that chase jobs out of state.

RealityIn 2010, Councilwoman Chang voted to raise fees across the board tied with COLA for the next three years.  We reported this issue regarding Steve Tye’s Fee-Tax Flip.

ProposalTax incentives for employers who hire new workers.

RealitySuch tax incentives has already been in place for years as employers are generally aware of the current $9,600 Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).

ProposalCut government waste to keep taxes down.

Reality Chang is endorsed by Senator Huff who was one of five GOP Senators who voted Yes on SB 11 (Pavley) that raised $2 Billion tax increase extension for smog abatement, vehicle registrations, boat registrations and tires.

Chang’s Jobs Plan falls short as her proposals which are dramatically different from the reality of the facts.

Therefore, the voters in the 55th Assembly District deserves better than a plucked chicken that would even fail the USDA inspection.

3 Responses to “AD-55 Watch: Ling-Ling Chang Quacks 2.0: Jobs Plan Falls Short”

  1. OC GOP Watcher said

    Chris & Chris,

    This is getting ridiculous, I don’t know what kind of deal was struck between Allen and Phillip Chen as well as OC Insider and Ling-Ling Chang but as a reader I am getting sick of reading the idiocy being written by both sides on this campaign.

    I am the reader that requested a suspension of posts written on the 3rd Supervisorial District back in 2012 and urge you to block both Allen Wilson and OC Insider from writing on AD 55 for a couple of weeks.

    • Allen Wilson said

      OC GOP Watcher: There is no deal cut between me and Phillip Chen. My posts are entirely from my own thoughts to pen for the world to read with facts.

      • Red State said

        Allen, stop attacking people! You will find your island getting smaller and smaller and your attack dog blogger shtick will not earn your anyone’s respect. Cant we focus on the democrats? Don’t we have bigger fights to fight. You hurt our party, please stop.

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