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Assemblyman Eric Linder presents Fourth of July Resolution

Posted by Allen Wilson on July 3, 2013

Assemblyman Eric Linder (R-Corona) authored and presented HR (House Resolution) 21 commemorating the 237th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

“I am honored to present HR 21,” said Linder, “As the son of an immigrant I have felt truly blessed by all this great country has been able to provide for my family.  The decision 237 years ago by the 56 men who signed their name to the Declaration to pledge their life, fortunes, and honor changed the world and the very concept of government.   I look forward to celebrating this accomplishment with my family and all Californians.”

Then Assemblyman Linder gave his remarks by introducing HR 21 to the Assembly floor today:

I’m honored to stand before you and among you – to present this resolution on the occasion of July 4th… America’s birthday, and the establishment of a nation historic in its reach and timeless in its scope.
July 4th is sacred.  Not in a way that’s severe or somber, but in a manner that’s heartfelt and hopeful. 
We don’t have a moment of silence on this day, but a loud and lustrous shout that’s become almost synonymous with fireworks.
But the mood in Philadelphia 237 years ago was anything but.  Officeholders debated to the point of exhaustion.  Debate raged on.  Differences were highlighted.  Consensus shrank away.
Sounds a bit familiar, don’t you think?
But the truth is, what those men were doing was not celebratory, but considered almost suicide. 
Though a tyrannical king ruled without remorse, to sign that declaration of independence meant treason for everyone who put pen to parchment.   In that hall, there were warnings of the gallows, the axe … and worse.
The issue was very, very much in doubt.
And yet, those 56 men went forward, signed their names and one by one, pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. 
All risked something that day.  Many risked everything.  Some lost everything … including their lives.
They did it because they believed in what Ronald Reagan called “The American Experiment.”  To them it was a cause greater than themselves.  They changed the very concept of government.
I hope that on this day, as we enjoy the holiday and celebrate with loved ones, we can keep faith with the spirit of those 56 from 1776 and keep in mind what they did. 
When we are in rancor, I hope we will recall that glorious day, remember how we got here and honor how this country began.
And so it shall be today, next year and I hope even 237 years from now because of what those men did … in that hall … and on this day.

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  2. […] Assemblyman Eric Linder presents Fourth of July Resolution (ocpolitical.com) […]

  3. […] Assemblyman Eric Linder presents Fourth of July Resolution (ocpolitical.com) […]

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