OC Political

A right-of-center blog covering local, statewide, and national politics

The Lincoln Club celebrates 50 years

Posted by Brenda Higgins on April 15, 2012

The Lincoln Club Gala, celebrating it’s 50th birthday was held Saturday night, April 14, 2012 at the Balboa Bay Club. There were nearly 500 in attendance, including a variety of elected officials and candidates. In attendance were, Villa Park Councilwoman, Debra Pauly, Candidate for the Third Supervisorial District Todd Spitzer, U.S. Representative Ed Royce, State Senator Bob Huff, Vice Chair of the Board of Education Michelle Steel, State Senator Mimi Walters, Placentia Mayor Jeremy Yamaguchi, Mayor of Orange Carolyn Caveche, Mayor Pro-Tem Dennis Bilodeau, Central Committee Chair Scott Baugh, Honorable Judge David Belz, this list is by no means exhaustive. Karl Rove was the keynote speaker of the evening.

There was a series of video interviews with elected officials. Which included, a rendition of the history of the Lincoln Club from it’s inception in 1962 with the defeat of Richard Nixon by Pat Brown for the Governor of California, as well as some historic photos and audio interviews. Buck Johns had some remarks and was as entertaining as always. Doy Henley was recognized for his achievement and contribution.

Karl Rove was engaging and personable. He approached our table, shook hands and introduced himself, which I thought was kind and impressive. Connecting with people may be more of a gift than a learned skill, whichever it is Mr. Rove has it.  He is natural and articulate, did not miss a beat when there was a commotion at one corner of the room, spoke without notes or teleprompter. The talk was immensely fact intensive on the costs of PPACA, the net effect of the Buffet tax on revenue, Social Security and Medicare shortfalls, and the inconsistency of the Obama administration in sticking to campaign promises. He concluded with a remark that the policies of the current administration, if allowed to play out for another four years, are likely to fundamentally change our country in a very harmful way. He also encouraged a focus on the history of the Lincoln Club to bolster faith in our collective power to have an effect upon the upcoming elections, and not to give too much credit to the media reports and statistics that show the president performing favorably.

A worthy celebration of the esteemed Lincoln Club. Happy Birthday.

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