OC Political

A right-of-center blog covering local, statewide, and national politics

Petrilla’s Past: Felony Assault With A Firearm – an Important Article by Martin Henderson at RSM Patch

Posted by Craig P. Alexander on January 27, 2014

Tonight I read a very disturbing news article by Martin Henderson of the Rancho Santa Margarita Patch (http://ranchosantamargarita.patch.com/) about RSM City Councilman and 73rd Assembly District candidate Jesse Petrilla. According to the article, (Petrilla’s Past) in 2001 Mr. Petrilla pleaded guilty to assault with a firearm and another felony charge with a firearm enhancement. Apparently in 2004 the charges (after he served his probation) were reduced to misdemeanors and dismissed.

According to the article, when contacted by a Patch reporter, Mr. Petrilla apparently had no time to discuss this with the reporter.  Given that Mr. Petrilla wishes people like me (who live in the 73rd Assembly District) to vote for him to be my representative in the Assembly in Sacramento, I find this news disturbing, more so when he has “no comment.” I hope he has a better explanation that this for the voters.

Note: it was brought to my attention that I used the term “parole” instead of “probation” to describe part of the sentence the judge gave to Mr. Petrilla.  That was my error and I stand corrected.  I have changed the description to probation.

5 Responses to “Petrilla’s Past: Felony Assault With A Firearm – an Important Article by Martin Henderson at RSM Patch”

  1. Craig – note that Petrilla was expelled from Del Oro High School, which is in Loomis. Loomis shares a border with Rocklin, where I live. Sometimes 450 miles is not that far after all!

    It looks like Anna Bryson is already starting to scorch the earth.

  2. Daniel Lamb said

    Any man carrying a firearm is liable to such a charge despite being in the right. This line of attack is anti-Second Amend/anti-gun rights. Just another hit job from OC’s elitist consultant class. I’d vote for a Jessie over one of their stuffed suit talking heads. Freedom baby…

  3. […] do not support some of Bill’s opponents for this seat (see my prior posts about Jesse Petrilla (Patch Post & Petrilla Statement) and the latest post over at the Rancho Santa Margarita Patch (Did […]

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